Test your LWR CERT knowledge

Each time you open this page, you will get a five question quiz on various areas of emergency preparedness. Take this test as often as you like (each time you refresh this page you will get a new/different test) to help keep you current.  Click on the return button to get back to the member section.


#1. Which type fires are A, B, and C?

#2. Step 2 of the CERT size-up procedure is:

#3. Why is it important to know the different classes of fire?

#4. What is storm surge?

#5. The Activation Manager distributes the LWR CERT Incident Response plan during which LWR CERT Readiness Condition?

During Readiness Condition 3, the Activation Manager develops and distributes the LWR CERT Incident Response Plan. The plan lists the Groups that will be activating, the Radio Codes for each activating group and the Hub Radios that will be activating.
