Test your LWR CERT knowledge

Each time you open this page, you will get a five question quiz on various areas of emergency preparedness. Take this test as often as you like (each time you refresh this page you will get a new/different test) to help keep you current.  Click on the return button to get back to the member section.


#1. When conducting damage assessments in your neighborhoods, what should the CERT member announce when approaching a residence?

#2. LWR CERT Readiness Condition 6 is

#3. To communicate with other members of my group via radio, which should I use?

#4. True or False: Orange flags or paint marks indicate the location of buried natural gas lines.

The correct answer is false. Orange flags or paint marks do not indicate the location of buried natural gas lines, they indicate communications lines. Natural gas lines are indicated by the color yellow.

#5. During which phase do survivors attempt to assess the damage and locate other survivors?
